Vaseline is an excellent ointment that we use in our daily skincare routine. It helps heal skin scrapes, burns, and has a slew of additional health benefits. But, it appears that our couches don’t like it as much as we do. Because Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) is an oily substance, it tends to leave a noticeable stain, especially on fabric couches. Now we will discuss how to get vaseline out of fabric couch.
Grease stains can be challenging to remove since they’re lipid and insoluble in water. They thus require a different cleaning approach compared to typical blotches. Still, most of the products you’ll need are already available at home.
But, before you get too excited and use everything you got under your kitchen sink, here are the proper steps that you should follow.
Table of Contents
How to Get Vaseline Out of Fabric Couch
Take off the excess
Take a clean cloth and blot the stain. You can also use a butter knife to scrape as much as possible. Once you’ve removed everything you can, it’s thus time for you to proceed to the next step.

Nevertheless, before you start using any of the items listed below, make sure to check the tag on your sofa to determine which product is safe to use:
- W = It means that you can use water to clean your couch.
- S = Only dry cleaning detergent can be used for cleaning.
- WS = You can use water and cleaning detergent.
- X = Only vacuum can be used.
Cornstarch, talc, or baby powder are all great products that you can use to absorb the Vaseline grease off your fabric couch. First, sprinkle a good amount of your chosen powder over the soiled area. Then, using a soft brush, brush the powder gently into the fabric and allow it to sit for at least one hour.
After that, using your regular vacuum, hover the affected area, ensuring that you’ve sucked up everything off your couch.
Dry Cleaning Solvent
If, after using one of the powders mentioned above, you still have the Vaseline stain on your couch, here is what you should do. Apply a dry cleaning solvent to a cloth (preferably white cloth), and blot the stain. Repeat this operation until you get the desired results.
Rubbing Alcohol
For those who’re not used to removing stains using dry cleaning solvent, rubbing alcohol can be a great alternative. It’s simple to use, widely accessible, and doesn’t need to be combined with another product.
All you have to do is to fill a spray bottle with rubbing alcohol and spray the affected area. Then, using a clean white cloth, blot the stain until nothing is left on your couch.
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Commercial Cleaners
If you want an effective way that is quick and easy to use, then we advise going with a commercial product designed to remove oil-based stains and spills.
Still, before addressing the Vaseline stain, we suggest you try your chosen product on an inconspicuous section of your sofa.
Dishwashing soap
If your couch belongs to the W or WS category, then dishwashing soap can come in handy. Simply blend 2 cups warm water with 1/4 tsp liquid dish detergent in a small bowl.
Dip into the solution a clean cloth and blot the stain until it’s completely removed. Finally, take a clean wet cloth and wash the treated spot. Make sure to wipe everything off your couch since soap residue tends to attract dirt quickly.
One of the most important things you should focus on is to act quickly. Remember that the longer Vaseline remains on your couch, the more complicated its stain will be to remove. You should also pay close attention to the tag of your sofa to avoid harming its fabric.
Other than that, we hope you found this article helpful. Don’t forget to leave us feedback regarding the tips mentioned above and the results you obtained by implementing one of them. And if you managed to find an effective trick while cleaning the Vaseline stain, you can share it below so more people can achieve the same success as you.
How do you remove petroleum jelly from fabric?
To remove petroleum jelly from fabric, you can first scrape off any excess jelly using a blunt object like a spoon or butter knife. Then, blot the stain with a paper towel to remove as much of the stain as possible. Next, apply a small amount of dish soap or laundry detergent directly to the stain, and rub it in gently. Allow the soap to sit on the stain for 5-10 minutes, then rinse the area with warm water. Finally, launder the fabric as usual.
Do Vaseline stains come out?
Vaseline stains can be removed with proper cleaning methods and products, but they can be stubborn to get out depending on the fabric and how long the stain has set in.
Does Vaseline wash out of fabric?
Vaseline can be difficult to remove from fabric, but it is possible with proper cleaning methods and products. It’s important to treat the stain as soon as possible and avoid using hot water, as it can cause the stain to set in further.
What removes petroleum jelly?
Petroleum jelly can be removed from fabric using a combination of dish soap and warm water, or by applying a pre-treatment stain remover before washing the fabric.
Does vinegar dissolve Vaseline?
No, vinegar is not effective in dissolving Vaseline. It is an oil-based substance and requires a different type of solvent to be effectively removed.
Does Vaseline wash off with water?
Vaseline is a petroleum-based product and is not water-soluble, so it doesn’t easily wash off with water alone.
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