How to Remove Tea Stains from Laminate Countertops in Less Than 5 Minutes

Having a cup of tea on a daily basis offers several health benefits. Yet, your laminate countertop doesn’t see tea the same way you do. Due to the high tannin level of tea, accidental spills can quickly discolor your laminate counter despite it being a non-porous surface. Now I want to tell how to remove tea stains from laminate countertops.

The good news is that since laminate countertops are made from plastic resin, they’re easy to clean. Even so, you’ll still need the right products and methods to get rid of the tea stain. Most of the products you’ll need are already under your kitchen sink, and we’re going to show you how to use them.

How to Remove Tea Stains from Laminate Countertops. These are the Products You Need to Remove Tea Stains From Laminate Countertops

Dishwashing detergent

Despite its simplicity, this technique works wonders against tea stains. Simply make a mixture of water and a mild dishwashing detergent.

Then, wipe away the stain and rinse the surface using a microfiber cloth. Make sure to thoroughly remove the detergent off the counter.2Q==


Unlike natural stone counters, laminate can withstand vinegar. And since vinegar is an excellent multipurpose cleaner, here is how to put it to use. First, in a spray bottle, mix two cups of water with one tablespoon of vinegar.

Spray the solution over the affected area, and leave it for about 2 minutes. After that, wipe the counter and enjoy its shine once again.

I know that some of you might dislike the vinegar smell. As a result, you can use lemon juice as an alternative to vinegar since it’s as effective while it emits a lovely scent.

Also we recommend you to learn how to remove tea stains from granite countertops. It is also very common issue.

Magic Eraser

Using a Magic Eraser is one of the simplest methods to clean a laminate countertop. It’s easy, efficient, and doesn’t require any mixture of products.

Wet the sponge and start rubbing the tea stain. After that, rinse your laminate countertop, and you’re done. That’s pretty much all you have to do when using the Magic Eraser. Cool, right!

Baking soda

Most, if not all of you, already know how excellent baking soda is when it comes to cleaning stains from different surfaces.

Simply combine a tablespoon of baking Soda with a few tbsp of water. This ratio should allow you to form a consistent paste. For best results, leave the paste on for around five minutes before wiping it away.

Baking Soda will absorb the brown color of tea and thus pull the stain off your laminate countertop.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Apply some Hydrogen peroxide solution to a microfiber cloth and start rubbing the stain. After that, rinse the whole surface, and that’s it.

We recommend using hydrogen peroxide on light-colored laminate countertops because it has bleaching properties. Also, do not leave it on the counter for too long.

As a matter of fact, right after rubbing the stain, you should rinse the counter.

Rubbing Alcohol

The last product we recommend using to tackle the tea stain on your laminate countertop is rubbing alcohol.

In a spray bottle, combine equal parts of rubbing alcohol with water. Spray the entire area and wipe it down using a microfiber cloth.

Afterward, simply rinse the whole surface, and you’re done. Your countertop should be sparkling once again.

What Should You Avoid When Cleaning Tea Stains from Laminate Countertops?


Many of you, including me, like tackling stains using bleach. However, this chemical should not be used on laminate countertops. Due to its high pH level, bleach can damage or cause discoloration. In other words, using this product is like adding fuel to the fire.


Acetone is another harsh product that you should avoid. It’s highly abrasive and can ruin your countertop’s finish.


Here you have it, a list of fantastic cleaning tips to tackle the tea stain on your laminate countertop. And as you already know, it’s always a pleasure to read your thoughts regarding the information we share with you.

Therefore, we’d highly appreciate it if you left us a comment letting us know your experience regarding tea stains on a laminate countertop.

Also, if you have got a special cleaning hack that isn’t mentioned above, feel free to share it below so more people can achieve the same success as you did.

How do you get stains out of laminate countertops?

To remove stains from laminate countertops, make a paste with baking soda and water, apply to stain, let sit, scrub with a soft-bristled brush, rinse with water, and dry with a clean cloth. For tough stains, use a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar or rubbing alcohol. Avoid abrasive cleaners and tools.

How do you get tea stains out of white laminate?

To remove tea stains from white laminate, mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the stain and gently scrub with a soft-bristled brush or sponge. Rinse the area with water and dry with a clean cloth. If the stain persists, try using a solution of equal parts vinegar and water. Be sure to avoid abrasive cleaners and tools that could scratch the laminate.

Does vinegar remove tea stains?

Yes, vinegar can be effective in removing tea stains. Mix equal parts vinegar and water and apply the solution to the stain, letting it soak for a few minutes. Scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush or sponge and rinse with water. Repeat as needed until the stain is gone.

Can you use vinegar on laminate countertops?

Yes, vinegar is safe to use on laminate countertops. It can be mixed with water to create a gentle cleaning solution that effectively removes stains and grime. However, it’s important to avoid using undiluted vinegar or leaving it on the surface for extended periods, as it can cause damage to the laminate over time.

Can you use baking soda on laminate countertops?

Yes, baking soda is safe to use on laminate countertops. It can be mixed with water to create a paste that can effectively remove stains and grime. However, it’s important to avoid using abrasive tools or materials that could scratch the surface of the laminate.

Can you use magic eraser on laminate countertops?

While Magic Erasers can be effective at removing stains and grime from some surfaces, they are not recommended for use on laminate countertops. The abrasive texture of the eraser can scratch and damage the surface of the laminate, leading to discoloration or peeling over time. It’s best to stick to gentle cleaning methods, such as using a soft-bristled brush or sponge with a mild cleaning solution.

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