Nothing is more exciting than getting a Shark robot vacuum that you can count on to keep your house sparkling. But every once in a while, your cleaning partner might run into problems, like shark robot vacuum error 2, that could frustrate you. Don’t worry. We’ve all been there where we felt clueless about what could possibly have gone wrong.
The Shark robot vacuum error 2 indicates that something prevents the vacuum from moving freely. And to help you solve the problem, we’ve compiled a list of potential causes that can trigger this issue. Spoiler alert! They’re all easy to fix, and you can do it yourself.
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How to Fix Shark Robot Vacuum Error 2 (Obstruction)
- The brush roll is the most common cause of “error 2”. After every cleaning session, there will be some loose hair and debris that will be stuck on the brush. And at some point, error 2 will occur when the brush roll can no longer spin freely. Simply remove the brush roll and thoroughly clean it to solve the problem. Don’t forget to also take the brush roll’s end cup off and clean what’s inside. You’ll be surprised at how much hair is stuck in there. After completing all these steps, obstruction error 2 will disappear.
- Just like the brush roll, the wheels can also get hair tangled, resulting in mobility restriction. What we recommend doing, in this case, is to visually inspect every wheel you’ve got on your Shark robot vacuum and clean out anything that is trapped inside.
- Another potential cause of error 2 is the side brushes. Take a look at the side brushes and see how they spin. We recommend trying to rotate each one of them manually. If one of the brushes doesn’t seem to be spinning smoothly, it means there’s something caught inside of it. So, either clean the affected brush or replace it if cleaning doesn’t solve the problem.
- But what if you have guests coming over, and you need to vacuum the house? Don’t worry. I’ve got an excellent temporary solution for you. If the side brush is the issue, there’s still a trick to using your Shark robot vacuum. Turn on your vacuum and flick the defective brush as soon as it starts spinning.
Related article: Shark Robot Vacuum Randomly Starts [Solved]

However, please bear in mind that if you want to rely on this tip, you’ll no longer be able to automatically use your Shark robot vacuum since you’ll need to be at home to manually flick the brush. Still, getting a brand-new brush is the best thing to do if you want to use all of your Shark robot vacuum’s features.
Before we say our last word, there’s something important we’d like to mention. To keep error 2 from happening again, you should clean your Shark robot vacuum once a week, especially if you’ve got residents with long hair or pets that shed a lot.
With that said, we hope the tips mentioned above were helpful to you. We would appreciate it if you could tell us how these tricks worked for you and whether or not you were able to solve your problem. Also, if you managed to find another cause that triggered error 2, feel free to share it in the comment section below.

As you probably already know, most vacuums can’t get rid of hair that’s stuck in a carpet. If you wish to learn how to do this on your own, I highly suggest reading our guide on removing hair from a rug without a vacuum cleaner. Spoiler alert! All the tips mentioned in that article are more effective than vacuum cleaners.
How do you fix error 2 on Shark vacuum?
To fix error 2 on a Shark vacuum, check for and remove any blockages or clogs in the vacuum’s airflow by inspecting the hose, filters, and brush roll. If the error persists, contact Shark customer service.
Why does my shark vacuum keep saying there is an obstruction?
If your Shark vacuum keeps saying there is an obstruction, it is likely because there is a blockage or clog somewhere in the vacuum’s airflow. This can happen if dirt, debris, or pet hair accumulates in the vacuum’s hose, filters, or brush roll, which restricts the airflow and triggers the obstruction sensor. To fix this issue, you should inspect the vacuum’s airflow and remove any blockages or clogs you find.
How do you reset a shark robot?
To reset a Shark robot, turn it off, locate the reset button on the underside, press and hold the button for 10 seconds until the power indicator light blinks, then release the button, turn the robot back over, and turn it on to test.
What does E2 mean on Shark Hoover?
E2 on a Shark Hoover typically indicates a blockage or clog in the vacuum’s airflow, which is preventing proper suction. To resolve this issue, you should check for and remove any blockages or clogs in the vacuum’s hose, filters, or brush roll. Once you have cleared the obstruction, the E2 error should disappear.
How do I know if my Shark vacuum has a blockage?
To know if your Shark vacuum has a blockage, you should look for signs such as reduced suction power, unusual sounds, dust or debris build-up around the filters or dust cup, the brush roll not spinning properly, and the vacuum overheating or shutting off automatically. If you notice any of these signs, you should check for and remove any blockages or clogs in the vacuum’s airflow.
How do I manually reset my shark vacuum?
To manually reset your Shark vacuum, turn it off and unplug it, check for and remove any blockages or clogs, press and hold the power button for at least 30 seconds, release the power button, plug the vacuum back in, turn it on, and test to see if it is working properly. If it’s not working, contact Shark customer service.
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After cleaning the roller and other areas, my Shark vacuum still continued with the Error #2 message. I took the roller out completely and the Shark ran fine. Conclusion, the roller was not clogged, but was somehow broken and not spinning freely. I ended up replacing the roller and the Shark now works fine.
Glad to hear that you were able to solve the problem 🙂
I have cleaned everything but the actual drive wheels, and cleaned all of the sensor lenses and the roller brush, but the error 2 keeps happening. Should I take the drive wheel assemblies apart to see if there may be something such as no lubrication on the gears?
I took out the roller brush and ran it for a few minutes without the brush. In the meantime I washed off the brush with water and dried it off. It didn’t seem to me like much had changed, but when I put the brush back in the robot worked fine. Go figure.